Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Amy's story (work in progess)

Amy stood alone in the middle of their living room, her ears still ringing from the sound of the front door slamming.

She was pale, and even paler now as she was feeling nauseous. she stood feeling as if she was going to faint, her ankle length skirt dancing as she swayed.

Amy wasn't a very tall women she stood about shoulder length to Eric, she was of medium build, hazel eyes,she had curly light brown hair that only made its way to her earlobes when not wet. She had the kind of smile that made you feel welcome.(at home)

The living room was painted pale green with emerald drapes, the couch was flowery and the room although tidy seemed run down..

Amy was in her late twenties but felt like she was ready for death. she acted as if life hadn't got her down but all around her could tell and she was not happy. she felt as if she were at least fifty.

Eric was the man she was madly in love with (at the moment) .

she had no children and had already given up the thought of children of her own. Amy had two sisters each of which had many kids of their own. and this was enough for she seemed to think.

Eric was another man to be written off. or at least that's what she hoped. Eric was a man of average height for a women (lol),he had a strong jaw and looked like a mix between George cloony and robin Williams although muscular and rather appealing(elaborate). he worked installing dry wall and almost always came home with white dust covering his clothes. he was a fairly casual man only wearing slacks if he had too and always brandishing a cap. Eric met Amy at a small Italian restaurant they both frequented she was their on her lunch break twice a week and he had seen her their a few times before finally approaching her,their was no ring on her finger and she seemed to be the quiet type, she always sat nose in her book or the newspaper and on occasion writing in a journal. with an ice tea (the pasta dishes she ordered varied.)when he walked up to her and said hello she put up a finger without looking up from her book, he waited patiently for a few seconds as it appeared she finished the paragraph she was reading in a thick book. she then looked up smiled and said ello mate, what can i do for ya? clearly imitating a British accent Eric was taken. he smiled back and began to work his magic. the reason for him storming out was because someone he ran into on the street also had had relations with Amy and he was tired of this happening, his name was Hank. when this had happened before she had played Bella Linda by the grassroots and for this occasion she felt like playing please don't let me be misunderstood by the animals Amy was drawn to him,as he left she felt as if her chest was going to explode, as if her heart was going to go chasing after him. this was the first time she ever felt real emotion for a man, she has had many relationship, but has never truly loved. she lived by the motto off of the movie Almost famous "never take it seriously and you'll never get hurt, never get hurt and you'll always have fun" but for some reason everything felt so different with Eric, he wasn't so sure of himself or dependent on her. no he was self sufficient and kind. and in want of more than a few fun nights. he wanted more right off the bat.

she continued to stand there feet planted body swaying for what felt like hours until finally she collapsed on to the black and green paisley rug. the only light in the room was a small accent lamp siting on one of the end tables that she would use to read by. she had been reading and listening to Journey To The Center Of The Mind by The Amboy Dukes when he came in stormed up stairs graped his stuff and left. she thought he was angry because of some occurrence at work thought that perhaps his boss had once again pushed him to edge and that he stormed upstairs to take a hot bath and forget about his awful day. (she couldn't have been more wrong?)

Amy had had an intense day at work and just wanted to escape into the latest James Patterson novel. at work she was a little too enthusiastic to get home. she was her own boss at a fairly large store that sold mostly one of a kind items. collecting one of kind items was one of her hobbies growing up and eventually became her job. she was a busy with setting up an online store but as as soon as she was done realized that she would now have to change it after every sale being as they only had one of just about every item.. she got a bit overwhelmed, and left the shop angry with herself (and in need of that book more than she did at the start of the day.)

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